Renault Trucks, an expert in electric mobility for nearly fifteen years, to launch the "Decarbonisation Academy": a free e-learning platform open to everyone.

Renault Trucks is inaugurating CampX, a new facility dedicated to innovation and collaboration at its Lyon site. CampX by Volvo Group concept – which already exists in Sweden, Indi...

Renault Trucks ended 2022 with a total of 58,967 deliveries, up 15%. In a turbulent European market marked by major supply chain disruptions, the manufacturer strengthened its posi...

Renault Trucks is set to continue its transfer of expertise to the UN agency for the next five years. The aim is to make it easier for the World Food Programme to run and maintain ...

Renault Trucks has once again been awarded a Gold rating by the independent Ecovadis body for its commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). The French manufacturer is on...