To enable its customers to achieve their energy transition with ease, the manufacturer is offering a range of financing options for the purchase of an electric truck.
Renault Trucks has started marketing a new model from its Used Trucks Factory in Bourg-en-Bresse. This vehicle has been converted and certified Euro 3 for the African and Middle Ea...
Le transporteur, qui utilise depuis 2017 un prototype Renault Trucks D 100 % électrique, vient d’être livré du tout-premier modèle D Z.E. de série.
Renault Trucks is stepping up its transition to a circular economy and is developing a network with Indra for recycling and reusing truck parts.
Renault Trucks, impacted by the global economic crisis post COVID-19, and by the slowdown in demand for industrial vehicles is planning to adjust its workforce in France to restore...